The Gold and Silver Fleets at the J/70 Corinthian World Championship braved a wild day to open their Championship series. 109 boats from 14 nations, including 55 in the Gold Fleet, set to the racecourse at noon. After both fleets got underway, squalls sent teams back ashore with only the Silver Fleet able to complete their contest. Shortly after returning to the harbor, the weather broke, and both fleets turned around to start again. Conditions challenged and delighted competitors, with gusty winds, breaking waves and occasional rain. Boats were put to the test as they planed downwind in one race for the Gold Fleet and two for the Silver. On the first of three days in the Championship series, Flavio Andrade’s Oceanpact (BRA) tops the Gold fleet, followed by another Brazilian boat, Alberto Guarischi’s Three Musketeers. Isabelle Fellows (GBR) helmed Calypso to third. In the Silver fleet, Renato Faria’s ToNessa (BRA) posted scores of 1,2 to lead the group, ahead of Ingvar Ferby’s Folkeslivs (SWE) at 5 points and Huw Edwards’ Joskin (GBR) with 9 points. Countries represented at the Royal Danish Yacht Club in Denmark: AUS, BEL, BRA, DEN, ESP, EST, GBR, GER, FIN, NED, NOR, SUI, SWE, USA. Photos/video are available on the International J/70 Class social media pages, and complete results may be found at

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